Rethinking Higher Education: A New Way of Learning to Become” conference concludes

UNDP launches solidarity campaign in Arab States against COVID-19
消息称不同版本的iPhone 12刘海尺寸一致 LiDAR仅配备于6 ...:11 小时前 · YouTube频道EverythingApplePro的创建者今天早上在Twitter上引起了一场iPhone12泄密小风暴,他声称所谓的"iPhone12"的CAD图像表明,一些泄露者之前报告 ...

Germany provides PCR system for newly established laboratory in Hebron

Business As Usual

Access to Justice for the Most Vulnerable in Gaza
To answer global protests, tackle new inequalities: 2023 Human Development Report
The 2023 Human Development Report (HDR), entitled “Beyond income, beyond averages, beyond today: inequalities in human development in the 21st Century,” says that just as the gap in basic living standards is narrowing for millions of people, the necessities to thrive have evolved. A new generation of inequalities is opening up, around education, and around technology and climate change -- two seismic shifts that, unchecked, could trigger a ‘new great divergence’ in society of the kind not seen since the Industrial Revolution, according to the report.

Know Our Projects
UNDP’s Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People focuses its work on Governance, Productive Livelihoods, Environment and Infrastructure.Emphasis is placed on three geographic areas where the needs and the challenges the greatest in achieving sustainable human development and statehood: the Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and Area C.

UNDP targets gender equality as part of its programming in its main work streams: sustainable development; inclusive and effective democratic governance; and risk prevention and resilience. UNDP’s Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People has an extensive portfolio of projects and programmes that are contributing to the mainstreaming of gender and empowerment of women in the Palestinian society.
Who we are
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